Friday 14 October 2011

Went past the hose today to find out our cornices, skirting etc have been installed as well as termite treatment, internal doors, bathroom and laundry cabinets and last but not least our kitchen. I also meet with another landscaper for retaining walls, as well someone has put a huge chip in our sidelight window next to our front door. Oh and met our painter he was doing his prep before he starts to pain on Monday.


 Termite treatment


 Internal doors

 Ensuite Cabinet

 Close up of bench top

 Our kitchen

 Our kitchen again

 and again

 and again

 Pantry and fridge space

 Bathroom cabinet

 Laundry cabinet

 Internal doors

 Close up of kitchen cabinets

And kitchen one again.


  1. looking excellent. In our case painting happened first and then the kitchen.

  2. Kitchen looks great!!!! yum yum yum!
